Roblox Attack on Titan Revolution Skill Trees

Roblox Attack on Titan Revolution Skill Trees

In Roblox Attack on Titan Revolution, skill trees serve as vital for character development since they provide a reliable means to upgrade players’ abilities and movesets. Find out about every skill tree to make farming easier in Attack on Titan Revolution.

Family Skill Tree

Family Skill Tree
  • Appear at the top of skill tree
  • Only certain families have skills
  • Commons have 0 skills

Legendary Tree:

Legendary Tree Ackerman


Swift Strikes:

Press an ability button to teleport and kill up to 5 nearby titans.

Let it RIP (Path a):

Press an ability button to become a constant spinning wheel, slashing at anything it touches for a certain amount of time.

Acker Rage (Path b):


+1 Offensive Slot (Middle).

yeager skill tree


Berserk Mode:

Press an ability button to increase shifting dmg by 25%, with constant regeneration. Stuns for 10 seconds after it ends.

Shifter Regen:

Press an ability button to regenerate 50 health and all injuries over a period of time. 100 second cooldown.

Invigorate (Path a):


Resolve (Path b):

Press an ability button to restore yourself to full health and refill 50% of your gas supply.

+1 Defensive Slot (Middle).

Reis skill tree



Press an ability button to Instantly shift, bypassing the need to maximize your shifting bar.

Command (Path a):

Control 10 titans to attack the nearest enemies after pressing an ability button.

Conquer (Path b):

Press an ability button to immobilize all pure titans in your vicinity for 5 seconds.

+1 Support Slot (Middle)

Epic Skill Tree:

Zoe skill tree


Last Stand:

Press an ability button to embrace the end, keeping 40.0% of your current HP. For the next 30s, lose all healing prowess, ignore all injury effects, gain +15.0% DMG, +30.0% DMG REDUCTION and +15.0% ODM SPEED. Taking any damage instantly makes you gain an injury, and if you have any injuries at the end of the 30s, you die.

Buffs: 15% Dmg, 30% Dmg Red, 15% Odm speed
Nerfs: Death on injury after 30 seconds, no regen, and lose 60% of current hp

Rare Skill Tree:


Potato: Press an ability button to eat a potato healing you for 30%

Offense Skill Tree

1 +2.5% Damage

2+2% Swing Duration

3 +Hand Grinder,
Press an Ability Button to escape a titan’s grasp automatically. Requires at least one blade segment.

4 +1% Blade Durability

5+3% Swing Duration

6+2% Durability

7 +Blade Dance Press an Ability Button to boost yourself at the mouse direction, after a brief moment you slash what is in front of you

8+3% Blade Durability

9+1% Crit Chance

10+10% Crit Damage

11 +1 Offensive Perk Slot

12+5% Damage

13+2% Crit Chance

(CRIT PATH) this locks the other path
14a +Drill Thrust
Press an Ability Button to start spinning like a drill, going towards your mouse cursor and damaging any titans you come in contact with.

15a +2% Crit Chance

16a +6% Crit Damage

17a +Eye Gouge
You always perform critical hits against titan eyes.

18a +3% Crit Chance

19a +7% Crit Damage

20a +Momentum, +5% Crit Chance
You gain +5% ODM speed for 5 seconds after performing a Critical Hit. (Does not stack, but can be refreshed.)

21a +4% Crit Chance

22a +8% Crit Damage

23a +Torrential Steel
Press an Ability Button to begin spinning, constantly dealing damage to anything you come into contact with for 4 seconds.

24a +6% Crit Chance

25a +9% Crit Damage.

(DAMAGE PATH) this locks the other path
14b +Rising Slash
Press an Ability Button to jump upwards, slashing at everything around you as you do so.

15b +4% Swing Duration

16b +4% Durability

17b +Refined Technique
Titans regenerate limbs from your attacks 20% slower.

18b +7.5% Damage

19b +5% Swing Duration

20b +Bloodlust
You gain +5% Damage bonus for 5 seconds after killing a titan.
(Does not stack, but can be refreshed.)

21b +6% Blade Durability

22b +10% Damage

23b +Lethal Tempo
Press an Ability Button to kill a nearby titan, chaining up to 2 other nearby titans. (3 in total)

24b +7% Swing Duration

25b +12.5% Damage

Defense Skill Tree

1 +5 HP

2 -5% Injury Chance

3 +Counter
Press an Ability Button at the moment of impact before a titan stuns you to cripple it’s limb.

4 +5 HP

5 -10% Injury Chance

6 +1 Defense Perk Slot

7 +7.5 Hp

8 Survivalist 1, -1 input required to escape grabs

SURVIVAL PATH (this locks the other path)
9a +10 HP

10a +Emergency Relocation, +10 HP
At the cost of 30% of your current health, instantly heal one injury, gaining 10% injury reduction and 40% of your hits are critical hits for 10s.

11a +10HP

12a +12HP

13a+Super Guts
Emergency Relocation now only costs 15% of your current health.

14a +12HP

15a +12HP

16a +Adrenaline
You can ignore one injury.

17a +14HP

18a +14 HP

19a +Autodidact
Emergency Relocation now lasts for 20s.

20a +16HP

ENDURANCE PATH (this locks the other path)
9b +2% Damage Reduction

10b +Hardy Counter
Instantly escape from a titan’s grab and kill them

11b +2% Damage Reduction

12b +3% Damage Reduction

13b +Tenacity
You require 1 less input to escape grabs.

14b +3% Damage Reduction

15b +4% Damage Reduction

16b +Forceful Rebound
Slow titan limb injury, taking 75% longer to regenerate

17b +4% Damage Reduction

18b +5% Damage Reduction

19b +Tough As Nails
Press an Ability Button to temporarily gain +15% damage reduction and an additional +5% damage reduction for each injury that affects the player.

20b +7% Damage Reduction

Support Skill Tree

1 +2% Blade Durability

2 +4% ODM Gear Control

3 +Bandages
Gain 2 consumable bandages that heal for 25 HP. Treating one limb injury (legs or arms)

4 +3% Blade Durability

5 +Trained Cadet
Automatically reload your blades when they are fully broken.

6 +1% HP regen increase

7 +Red Flare,
Mark up to 5 titans within 500 studs of you get highlighted to all allies for 30 seconds. These titans take 10% more damage, and are 15% more vulnerable to Critical Hits.

8 +5% Blade Durability

9 +Target Acquisition
If using aim assist, the nape becomes a hook point.

10 +6% ODM Gear Control

11 +1 Support Perk Slot

TRIAGE PATH (this locks the other path)
12a +1% HP regen increase

13a + Advanced Medic
Your bandages can now treat Eye injuries, and heal for 35 HP.

14a +1% HP regen increase

15a + Portable Resupply

Place a portable resupply station at your current location, which has 2 refills.

16a +1.5% HP regen increase

17a + Master Medic, +1% HP Regen/6 seconds.
Your bandages can now treat Ribcage injuries, and heal for 50 HP. You now have 3 bandages.

18a +1.5% HP Regen every 5 seconds.

19a + Resourceful, +1% HP Regen every 5 seconds.
Portable resupply cooldown reduced by 25%, and each resupply station has 3 refills.

20a +1.5% HP regen increase

COMMANDER PATH (this locks the other path)
12b +15% Skill Cooldown Reduction

13b + Acoustic Shells
Aggro all titans within 750m, causing them to drop any grabbed players (30% chance for abnormals)

14b -5% Injury Chance

15b + Order: Advance
Order all nearby players to advance, increasing their ODM Speed by 10% and ODM Control by 15% for 20 seconds.

16b -7.5% Injury Chance

17b + Black Flare
Mark up to 10 titans within 750 studs of you, they get highlighted to all allies for 30 seconds. These titans take 25% more damage, and are 25% more vulnerable to Critical Hits.

18b +20% Skill Cooldown Reduction

19b + Order: Rage
Order all players to rage, increasing their Damage by 10% and Crit Damage by 20%.

20b -12.5% Injury Chance

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